Monday, May 24, 2010

Beatles John Lennon peace monument to be built in Liverpool

A monument dedicated to John Lennon will be built in Liverpool as part of a global peace movement.

The statue will be presented to The Beatles Story by Lennon's son Julian as part of the city’s two-month event commemorating the former Beatle’s 70th birthday and the 30th anniversary of his murder.

The 18ft artwork has been commissioned by California-based organisation Global Peace Initiative and 19-year-old American artist Lauren Voiers will create the piece, which aims to celebrate both the musician and his message of peace.

The metal monument, which will incorporate a white feather within its design after a request from 47-year-old Julian, will be unveiled in October and will be sited in a prominent city centre location yet to be agreed.

The Beatles Story managing director Jerry Goldman said: “New York has the Imagine mosaic in Strawberry Fields and it attracts hoards of people.

“The Global Peace Initiative wants to create a peace monument on every continent and it was well down the road on its monument for Europe, which was designed to go to the site of the Berlin Wall.

“When I asked if it could design one for us, it said the concept it was working on could not be more appropriate for Liverpool and John Lennon.”

The John Lennon peace monument will be the second in a series of monuments commissioned by Global Peace Initiative.

The organisation's aim is to spread artistic symbols of peace across the globe, with the first statue presented to the President of Singapore on behalf of the people of Asia in 2005.

It is hoped the Liverpool monument will complement the memorial in New York, acting as a place of pilgrimage for people wanting to remember one of the world’s most influential icons.

Artist Lauren said: “My art has always been influenced by the ideals of peace and harmony and it is a great honour to spread this message across Europe through my sculpture.

“The fact it will be located in Liverpool, the home town of such a music legend, is phenomenal.”

Ben Valenty, director of Global Peace Initiative, added: “We were searching for an appropriate location for the second Global Peace monument for some time.

“The creativity and history which surrounds Liverpool make it an ideal destination for Europe’s art piece.”