Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lennon monument for Beatles Story
John Lennon
The memorial will mark what would have been Lennon's 70th year

A memorial to John Lennon will be unveiled in Liverpool later this year.

The monument, commissioned by Global Peace Initiative, will be presented to the Beatles Story in October, the month in which the former Beatle would have turned 70.

John's son Julian Lennon will uncover the memorial entitled 'Peace & Harmony' and compliment the existing Strawberry Fields memorial in New York.

Designed by 19 year old Lauren Voilers the design includes a white feather.

The monument is the second in a series commissioned by Global Peace Initative, which aims to place a peace monument in each of the world's seven continents.

The first monument was presented to the President of Singapore on behalf of the people of Asia in 2005.

The Liverpool monument will be revealed during the Liverpool's John Lennon Tribute Season, a series of cultural events from 9 October to 9 December, 2010 to mark the 70th anniversary of John Lennon's birth, and the 30th anniversary of his death.

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